LED Light Bars for Retail Displays

Improve your POS and retail shelf displays with our high quality LED lighting

Find the best LED light bar for your retail display


ST LED light bars for retail displays / LED Leuchtmittel für POS Regale

Standard LED light bars

  • ideal lighting for front of display
  • thin, lightweight
  • simplest and most attractively priced model
  • 3M adhesion for easy installation on almost any type of shelf
  • 6 sizes: 120mm, 260mm, 410mm, 550mm, 740mm, 840mm


Retail LED lighting for POS displays - Mecano LED light bars / LED-Leuchtstangen für POS Regale

Mecano™ LED light bars

  • ideal lighting for front and sides of display
  • specific solution for Mecano™ retail display units from Kesseböhmer for Wrigley
  • popular at grocery store, petrol station and convenience store checkout area
  • 3M adhesion for easy installation
  • 2 sizes: 400mm and 600mm with 110mm end caps

XD and XD+

Retail LED lighting for POS displays - XD LED light bars for retail displays / LED Lichtstangen für POS Regale

XD LED light bars

  • ideal lighting for front of displays
  • plastic casing for added stability and protection from direct contact
  • XD magnetic fixing brackets for metal shelves
  • XD 6 sizes: 120mm, 260mm, 410mm, 550mm, 740mm, 840mm
  • XD+ 3M adhesion for non-metal shelves
  • XD+ 5 sizes: 260mm, 410mm, 550mm, 740mm, 840mm

Why LED lighting? Why dLED?


Use LED lighting to catch your customers’ attention and increase sales. Put the focus on your POS display in a wide range of retail locations such as supermarkets, petrol stations, drugstores, and convenience stores.

Efficient and effective

Draw attention to your merchandise with our energy efficient and cost effective dLED light bars. We provide the right solution regardless of shelf size and individual application.


Retail displays take a lot of wear and tear which makes our dLED light bars the natural lighting choice. Compact and robust with no fragile internal parts, they fit nicely into small spaces, lighting up your merchandise without getting in the way of shoppers or staff.


Our products can be conveniently fitted to US, UK and EU standard power plugs. Furthermore, with the innovative y-shaped connector you can easily attach multiple Y-System LED light bars together without additional power distribution units.

dLED is your retail lighting partner